JavaScript BOM window.location object

The window.location object in JavaScript's Browser Object Model (BOM) represents the current URL of the browser window. It is a crucial part of the BOM that allows developers to read and manipulate the URL of the document currently loaded in the browser.

Key Features of window.location

  1. Accessing Current URL:

    • You can retrieve the current URL using window.location.href.
  2. Manipulating the URL:

    • You can change the URL by setting properties of the window.location object, which can navigate to different pages or reload the current page.
  3. Properties of window.location: The window.location object has several important properties that can be used to access different parts of the URL:

    • href: Returns the entire URL as a string. You can also set it to navigate to a different URL.

      console.log(window.location.href); // "" window.location.href = ""; // Redirects to newpage
    • protocol: Returns the protocol used in the URL (e.g., http:, https:).

      console.log(window.location.protocol); // "https:"
    • hostname: Returns the domain name of the web host.

      console.log(window.location.hostname); // ""
    • port: Returns the port number used in the URL (if specified).

      console.log(window.location.port); // "8080" (if the URL is "")
    • pathname: Returns the path of the URL (the part after the hostname).

      console.log(window.location.pathname); // "/path"
    • search: Returns the query string part of the URL, including the question mark.

      console.log(; // "?query=example"
    • hash: Returns the anchor part of the URL (the part after the hash symbol).

      console.log(window.location.hash); // "#section1"
  4. Methods of window.location:

    • assign(url): Loads a new document at the specified URL.

    • replace(url): Replaces the current document with the one at the specified URL without creating a new entry in the history stack.

    • reload(): Reloads the current URL. You can force a reload from the server by passing true as an argument.

      window.location.reload(); // Reloads the current page window.location.reload(true); // Reloads from the server

Example Usage

Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to use window.location to navigate to a new page based on user input:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Window Location Example</title> </head> <body> <h1>Navigate to a New Page</h1> <input type="text" id="urlInput" placeholder="Enter a URL" /> <button id="goButton">Go</button> <script> document.getElementById('goButton').addEventListener('click', function() { const url = document.getElementById('urlInput').value; window.location.href = url; // Redirects to the entered URL }); </script> </body> </html>


The window.location object is a powerful tool in the JavaScript BOM that provides a way to read and manipulate the URL of the current document. Understanding how to use it effectively allows for dynamic navigation and enhances the interactivity of web applications.