JavaScript function parameters and arguments

In JavaScript, function parameters and arguments are crucial concepts that allow functions to accept input and produce output. Here’s a detailed explanation of both:

Function Parameters

Parameters are the named placeholders in the function definition that specify what kind of inputs the function expects. They are defined in the function declaration or expression.


function functionName(parameter1, parameter2, ...) { // Function body }
  • Parameter List: The list of names (e.g., parameter1, parameter2) within the parentheses of the function definition.
  • Purpose: Parameters allow you to define the types of data that the function can accept and work with.


function greet(name, greeting) { return `${greeting}, ${name}!`; }
  • In this example, name and greeting are parameters of the greet function.

Function Arguments

Arguments are the actual values passed to the function when it is called. These values are substituted for the parameters when the function executes.


functionName(argument1, argument2, ...);
  • Argument List: The values you provide when calling the function (e.g., argument1, argument2).


console.log(greet('Alice', 'Hello')); // 'Hello, Alice!'
  • Here, 'Alice' and 'Hello' are arguments passed to the greet function.

Default Parameters

JavaScript allows you to set default values for parameters. If an argument is not provided, the default value is used.


function functionName(parameter1 = defaultValue1, parameter2 = defaultValue2, ...) { // Function body }


function greet(name = 'Guest', greeting = 'Hello') { return `${greeting}, ${name}!`; } console.log(greet()); // 'Hello, Guest!' console.log(greet('Alice')); // 'Hello, Alice!' console.log(greet('Bob', 'Hi')); // 'Hi, Bob!'
  • In this example, if no arguments are provided, 'Guest' and 'Hello' are used as default values.

Rest Parameters

Rest parameters allow you to represent an indefinite number of arguments as an array. They are useful when you want to handle multiple arguments without knowing their number in advance.


function functionName(...restParameters) { // Function body }


function sum(...numbers) { return numbers.reduce((total, num) => total + num, 0); } console.log(sum(1, 2, 3, 4)); // 10 console.log(sum(5, 10)); // 15
  • Here, ...numbers collects all passed arguments into an array.

Arguments Object

The arguments object is an array-like object available inside all non-arrow functions that holds the arguments passed to the function. It is not available in arrow functions.


function showArguments() { console.log(arguments); } showArguments('apple', 'banana', 'cherry'); // [ 'apple', 'banana', 'cherry' ]
  • The arguments object contains all arguments passed to the function.

Function Overloading

JavaScript does not support function overloading (defining multiple functions with the same name but different parameters). Instead, you handle different numbers of arguments within a single function using techniques like default parameters, rest parameters, or checking the arguments object.


function process(value) { if (typeof value === 'string') { return `Processing string: ${value}`; } else if (typeof value === 'number') { return `Processing number: ${value}`; } } console.log(process('Hello')); // 'Processing string: Hello' console.log(process(123)); // 'Processing number: 123'

Key Points

  • Parameters: Named placeholders in the function definition.
  • Arguments: Actual values passed to the function when it is called.
  • Default Parameters: Provide default values for parameters.
  • Rest Parameters: Capture a variable number of arguments as an array.
  • Arguments Object: Array-like object that holds the arguments passed to a function (not available in arrow functions).
  • Function Overloading: JavaScript does not support traditional function overloading but can handle varying argument counts with different techniques.