JavaScript Array entries() method

The entries() method in JavaScript is used to create a new array iterator object that contains the key-value pairs for each index in the array. Each entry is an array where the first element is the index (key) and the second element is the corresponding value.


let arrayIterator = array.entries();

Return Value:

  • A new Array Iterator object that contains key-value pairs for each index in the array.

Key Points:

  • The entries() method does not modify the original array.
  • It is particularly useful when you need to access both the indices and the values of an array simultaneously.
  • The resulting iterator can be traversed using methods like next(), or it can be used in a loop (such as a for...of loop) to iterate over the entries.

Example 1: Basic usage

let array = ['a', 'b', 'c']; let iterator = array.entries(); console.log(; // [0, 'a'] console.log(; // [1, 'b'] console.log(; // [2, 'c']

Example 2: Using a for...of loop

let array = ['x', 'y', 'z']; for (let [index, value] of array.entries()) { console.log(index, value); } // Output: // 0 'x' // 1 'y' // 2 'z'

Example 3: Converting to an Array

You can also convert the iterator into an array if needed:

let array = [10, 20, 30]; let entriesArray = Array.from(array.entries()); console.log(entriesArray); // [[0, 10], [1, 20], [2, 30]]

Example 4: Nested Arrays

If you have nested arrays, entries() will still work as expected:

let nestedArray = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]; let iterator = nestedArray.entries(); for (let entry of iterator) { console.log(entry); } // Output: // [0, [1, 2]] // [1, [3, 4]] // [2, [5, 6]]


  • The entries() method is a useful tool for iterating over arrays when both the index and the corresponding value are needed.
  • It returns an iterator, making it flexible for use in various contexts, such as loops and transformations.
  • This method can enhance code clarity and simplify operations that require knowledge of both indices and values in an array.