JavaScript DOM Nodes

In the context of the Document Object Model (DOM), a "node" is a fundamental unit of the DOM tree. The DOM represents a web page as a tree of nodes, each node corresponding to a part of the document. Understanding these nodes is crucial for manipulating and interacting with the structure of web documents using JavaScript.

Types of Nodes

  1. Element Nodes

    • Definition: Represent HTML elements, such as <div>, <p>, <a>, etc.
    • Characteristics: Have properties and methods for manipulating elements, such as innerHTML, classList, and setAttribute().
    • Example:
      let element = document.createElement("div"); element.className = "myClass";
  2. Attribute Nodes

    • Definition: Represent attributes of HTML elements, such as id, class, href, etc.
    • Characteristics: These are not typically accessed directly in modern JavaScript. Instead, attributes are usually manipulated via element properties (e.g., element.getAttribute("id")).
    • Example:
      let element = document.getElementById("myElement"); let attributeValue = element.getAttribute("class");
  3. Text Nodes

    • Definition: Represent the text content within an element or attribute.
    • Characteristics: Contain only text; do not include HTML tags or attributes.
    • Example:
      let textNode = document.createTextNode("Hello, World!"); let element = document.getElementById("myElement"); element.appendChild(textNode);
  4. Comment Nodes

    • Definition: Represent comments in the HTML.
    • Characteristics: Contain only the text of the comment and are usually accessed via methods like createComment() and childNodes.
    • Example:
      let commentNode = document.createComment("This is a comment"); let element = document.getElementById("myElement"); element.appendChild(commentNode);
  5. Document Nodes

    • Definition: Represent the entire document.
    • Characteristics: The root of the DOM tree, usually accessed via document.
    • Example:
      let doc = document; // Represents the entire document
  6. DocumentFragment Nodes

    • Definition: Represent a lightweight, minimal document object used to group nodes for efficient manipulation.
    • Characteristics: Can be used to build up a subtree of nodes and then insert it into the document in a single operation.
    • Example:
      let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); let div = document.createElement("div"); div.textContent = "This is a fragment"; fragment.appendChild(div); document.body.appendChild(fragment);

Node Properties and Methods

Nodes in the DOM have several properties and methods for interacting with them:

  • Node Properties:

    • nodeType: Returns the type of the node (e.g., Node.ELEMENT_NODE for element nodes).
    • nodeName: Returns the name of the node (e.g., tag name for element nodes).
    • nodeValue: Returns or sets the value of the node (used mainly for text nodes).
    • parentNode: Returns the parent node of the current node.
    • childNodes: Returns a live NodeList of all child nodes of the current node.
    • firstChild: Returns the first child node of the current node.
    • lastChild: Returns the last child node of the current node.
    • nextSibling: Returns the next sibling node of the current node.
    • previousSibling: Returns the previous sibling node of the current node.
  • Node Methods:

    • appendChild(newChild): Adds a new child node to the end of the list of children of a specified parent node.

      let newDiv = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(newDiv);
    • insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode): Inserts a new node before a specified existing node.

      let newNode = document.createElement("p"); let referenceNode = document.getElementById("reference"); document.body.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode);
    • removeChild(childNode): Removes a child node from the DOM.

      let childNode = document.getElementById("child"); document.body.removeChild(childNode);
    • replaceChild(newChild, oldChild): Replaces an existing child node with a new node.

      let newChild = document.createElement("span"); let oldChild = document.getElementById("oldChild"); document.body.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild);


  • Element Nodes: Represent HTML tags and can be manipulated with properties and methods.
  • Attribute Nodes: Represent attributes of elements, though usually accessed via element properties.
  • Text Nodes: Contain the text content within elements.
  • Comment Nodes: Contain comments in the HTML.
  • Document Nodes: Represent the entire document and serve as the root of the DOM tree.
  • Document Fragment Nodes: Represent lightweight containers for building and manipulating a group of nodes.