JavaScript DOM querySelector and querySelectorAll

querySelector and querySelectorAll are powerful methods for selecting elements in the DOM using CSS selectors. They offer more flexibility than methods like getElementById and getElementsByClassName, as they can target elements with a variety of selectors.



const element = document.querySelector(selector);


  • selector: A string representing a CSS selector used to match elements. This can be any valid CSS selector, including class names, IDs, attribute selectors, pseudo-classes, and combinators.

Return Value

  • Returns the first element that matches the specified CSS selector.
  • Returns null if no matching element is found.


  1. Selecting Single Elements

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>querySelector Example</title> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <p class="text">Paragraph 1</p> <p class="text">Paragraph 2</p> </div> <button onclick="highlightFirst()">Highlight First Paragraph</button> <script> function highlightFirst() { // Select the first <p> element with class 'text' const firstParagraph = document.querySelector('.text'); // Change its background color = 'yellow'; } </script> </body> </html>

    In this example, clicking the button highlights the first <p> element with the class text.

  2. Using Complex Selectors

    // Select an element with the ID 'container' and its first child <p> element const firstParagraph = document.querySelector('#container > p');

    This selects the first <p> element that is a direct child of the element with ID container.



const elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);


  • selector: A string representing a CSS selector used to match elements. This can include complex selectors and combinators.

Return Value

  • Returns a static NodeList of all elements that match the specified CSS selector. Unlike the HTMLCollection returned by getElementsByClassName, the NodeList returned by querySelectorAll is not live; it does not automatically update when the DOM changes.


  1. Selecting Multiple Elements

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>querySelectorAll Example</title> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <p class="text">Paragraph 1</p> <p class="text">Paragraph 2</p> <p class="text">Paragraph 3</p> </div> <button onclick="highlightAll()">Highlight All Paragraphs</button> <script> function highlightAll() { // Select all <p> elements with class 'text' const paragraphs = document.querySelectorAll('.text'); // Loop through the NodeList and change background color paragraphs.forEach(paragraph => { = 'yellow'; }); } </script> </body> </html>

    In this example, clicking the button highlights all <p> elements with the class text.

  2. Using Complex Selectors

    // Select all <p> elements within an element with the ID 'container' const paragraphs = document.querySelectorAll('#container p');

    This selects all <p> elements that are descendants of the element with ID container.


  • querySelector: Returns the first matching element and is useful when you only need to access a single element.
  • querySelectorAll: Returns a static NodeList of all matching elements and is useful for accessing multiple elements.

Best Practices

  • Use querySelector for Single Elements: When you only need to interact with one element, querySelector is more straightforward.
  • Use querySelectorAll for Multiple Elements: When dealing with multiple elements, use querySelectorAll and iterate over the NodeList with forEach or a loop.
  • Complex Selectors: Leverage the power of CSS selectors to target elements precisely.