Python str.casefold() function

In Python, the str.casefold() method is used to perform a case-insensitive comparison of strings. It is similar to the str.lower() method but is more aggressive in terms of normalization, making it particularly useful for comparing strings in a way that ignores differences in letter casing and certain Unicode characters.



Return Value

The method returns a new string in which all characters are converted to a case-folded version, which is a more general form of lowercase.

Use Cases

  • Case Insensitivity: casefold() is useful when you need to compare strings in a case-insensitive manner.
  • Internationalization: It handles certain special cases for Unicode characters that may not be properly normalized by lower(), making it more suitable for applications that need to compare strings in various languages.

Example Usage

  1. Basic case folding:
text = "Hello, World!" folded = text.casefold() print(folded) # Output: "hello, world!"
  1. Comparison of strings:
text1 = "Straße" text2 = "STRASSE" # Using casefold() for case-insensitive comparison if text1.casefold() == text2.casefold(): print("The strings are equal (case insensitive).") else: print("The strings are not equal.") # Output: "The strings are equal (case insensitive)."
  1. Using with non-ASCII characters:

casefold() is particularly effective with non-ASCII characters:

text1 = "ß" # Sharp S in German text2 = "ss" # Case-folding to compare if text1.casefold() == text2.casefold(): print("The strings are equal (case insensitive).") else: print("The strings are not equal.") # Output: "The strings are equal (case insensitive)."
  1. Difference from lower():

The casefold() method can handle certain characters differently than lower(), which may not be appropriate for all situations:

text1 = "DÜSSELDORF" text2 = "düsseldorf" print(text1.lower() == text2.lower()) # Output: True print(text1.casefold() == text2.casefold()) # Output: True


  • Use str.casefold() for a case-insensitive comparison of strings.
  • It is more aggressive than lower(), especially for Unicode characters, making it suitable for internationalized applications.
  • It helps ensure that comparisons account for all possible variations in casing, enhancing the robustness of string handling in your code.