Python min(set) function

The min(set) function in Python is used to return the smallest element from a set. It evaluates the elements in the set and returns the one that is considered the minimum based on the default comparison (typically numerical or lexicographical order for strings).


min_element = min(set, key=None, default=None)
  • set: The set from which you want to find the minimum element.
  • key (optional): A function that serves as a key for the comparison. This allows for custom minimum determination (e.g., based on length or specific properties).
  • default (optional): A value to return if the set is empty. If not provided and the set is empty, a ValueError will be raised.

Return Value

  • Returns the smallest element in the set.


Here are some examples to illustrate how min(set) works:

1. Basic Example with Numeric Values

# Creating a set of numbers my_set = {5, 3, 1, 4, 2} # Finding the minimum element in the set min_value = min(my_set) print(min_value) # Output: 1

In this example, the minimum value in my_set is 1, so that is returned.

2. Example with String Values

# Creating a set of strings my_set = {"banana", "apple", "orange"} # Finding the minimum element in the set min_value = min(my_set) print(min_value) # Output: 'apple'

Here, the strings are compared lexicographically, and "apple" is determined to be the minimum.

3. Using the key Parameter

You can specify a custom key function to determine the minimum based on certain criteria. For instance, finding the shortest string in a set:

# Creating a set of strings my_set = {"banana", "apple", "kiwi", "cherry"} # Finding the shortest string in the set min_value = min(my_set, key=len) print(min_value) # Output: 'kiwi'

In this example, the len function is used as a key to find the string with the minimum length.

4. Handling an Empty Set

If you try to find the minimum of an empty set without specifying a default value, a ValueError will be raised:

# Creating an empty set empty_set = set() # Trying to find the minimum element (this will raise an error) # min_value = min(empty_set) # Uncommenting this will raise ValueError # Using a default value to avoid an error min_value = min(empty_set, default='No elements') print(min_value) # Output: 'No elements'

Use Cases

  • Finding Extremes: Useful in statistical analysis to determine the minimum value from a collection of numbers or other comparable items.
  • Data Processing: Often used in data processing tasks where determining the minimum value is necessary, such as finding the lowest score or the smallest element in a dataset.


The min(set) function is a straightforward and effective way to determine the smallest element in a set in Python. It provides options for custom comparison using the key parameter and allows for safe handling of empty sets with a default return value. This makes it a versatile tool for various programming scenarios involving data analysis and processing.