jQuery Modifying attributes

Modifying attributes in jQuery involves changing the values of attributes for HTML elements. This allows you to dynamically adjust the properties of elements, such as src for images, href for links, or class for styling. jQuery provides several methods to get, set, and manipulate attributes effectively.

Basic Methods for Modifying Attributes

1. attr(): Get or Set Attributes

The attr() method can be used to both retrieve the value of an attribute and set a new value.

Setting an Attribute:

// Set the src attribute of an image with ID "myImage" $("#myImage").attr("src", "new-image.jpg");

Getting an Attribute:

// Get the value of the href attribute of a link with ID "myLink" var hrefValue = $("#myLink").attr("href");


  • $("#myImage").attr("src", "new-image.jpg") sets the src attribute of the image with ID myImage to "new-image.jpg".
  • $("#myLink").attr("href") retrieves the current value of the href attribute from the link with ID myLink.

2. removeAttr(): Remove an Attribute

The removeAttr() method is used to remove an attribute from the selected elements.

// Remove the title attribute from an element with ID "myElement" $("#myElement").removeAttr("title");


  • $("#myElement").removeAttr("title") removes the title attribute from the element with ID myElement.

3. prop(): Get or Set Properties

The prop() method is used for setting or retrieving properties of elements, particularly for properties that are not attributes.

Setting a Property:

// Set the checked property of a checkbox with ID "myCheckbox" $("#myCheckbox").prop("checked", true);

Getting a Property:

// Get the checked property of a checkbox with ID "myCheckbox" var isChecked = $("#myCheckbox").prop("checked");


  • $("#myCheckbox").prop("checked", true) sets the checked property of the checkbox to true.
  • $("#myCheckbox").prop("checked") retrieves the current value of the checked property.

Example Usage

Example: Updating Attributes Dynamically

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Modify Attributes Example</title> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { // Set new attributes when the button is clicked $("#updateButton").click(function() { $("#myImage").attr("src", "new-image.jpg").attr("alt", "New Image"); $("#myLink").attr("href", "https://www.newwebsite.com").attr("target", "_blank"); $("#myInput").prop("disabled", false); // Enable the input field }); // Remove an attribute when the button is clicked $("#removeButton").click(function() { $("#myImage").removeAttr("alt"); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <img id="myImage" src="old-image.jpg" alt="Old Image"> <a id="myLink" href="https://www.oldwebsite.com" target="_self">Visit Old Website</a> <input id="myInput" type="text" disabled> <button id="updateButton">Update Attributes</button> <button id="removeButton">Remove Attribute</button> </body> </html>


  • Clicking the "Update Attributes" button changes the src and alt attributes of the image, updates the href and target attributes of the link, and enables the input field by setting the disabled property to false.
  • Clicking the "Remove Attribute" button removes the alt attribute from the image.

Performance Considerations

  • Minimize DOM Manipulations: Frequent updates to attributes can affect performance. Batch updates or use methods that reduce reflows and repaints.
  • Use Efficient Selectors: Ensure that jQuery selectors are optimized to avoid unnecessary operations.