jQuery animate method

The .animate() method in jQuery allows you to create custom animations by changing CSS properties of elements over a specified duration. This method provides more control compared to jQuery's built-in animation methods like .fadeIn(), .slideUp(), etc.

Basic Syntax

$(selector).animate({ properties }, duration, easing, callback);
  • selector: The element(s) you want to animate.
  • properties: An object containing the CSS properties you want to animate and their target values.
  • duration: The time (in milliseconds) that the animation should take. You can also use keywords like "slow" (600ms) or "fast" (200ms).
  • easing: (Optional) Specifies the speed of the animation over time. Common values are "swing" (default) and "linear".
  • callback: (Optional) A function to execute after the animation completes.

Example 1: Simple Animation

Here's an example of a basic animation that changes the width of a div:

$("div").animate({ width: "300px", opacity: 0.5 }, 1000);

In this example:

  • The div's width will animate to 300px.
  • The opacity will animate to 0.5.
  • The animation will take 1000 milliseconds (1 second).

Example 2: Multiple Animations

You can chain multiple animations by calling .animate() successively:

$("div").animate({ width: "300px" }, 1000).animate({ height: "300px" }, 1000).animate({ opacity: 0.5 }, 1000);

This code will:

  1. Animate the width to 300px over 1 second.
  2. Then, animate the height to 300px over 1 second.
  3. Finally, animate the opacity to 0.5 over 1 second.

Example 3: Using Easing and Callback

Here’s an example that uses a custom easing function and a callback:

$("div").animate({ left: "200px" }, 1500, "linear", function() { alert("Animation complete!"); });

In this example:

  • The div will move 200px to the right over 1.5 seconds.
  • The animation will have a linear easing, meaning it will move at a constant speed.
  • Once the animation is complete, an alert box will display.

Animatable Properties

Not all CSS properties can be animated with .animate(). Common animatable properties include:

  • Numeric values (e.g., width, height, opacity, margin, padding, top, left, bottom, right).
  • Colors (e.g., backgroundColor, color) when using jQuery UI or a similar plugin.

Example 4: Animating Colors

If you include jQuery UI, you can also animate colors:

$("div").animate({ backgroundColor: "#ff0000" }, 1000);

In this example, the background color of the div will transition to red over 1 second.

Example 5: Relative Animations

You can use += or -= to animate properties relative to their current value:

$("div").animate({ left: "+=50px" }, 500);

This will move the div 50px to the right from its current position over 0.5 seconds.