jQuery Attribute Selector

The Attribute Selector in jQuery allows you to select elements based on the presence or value of their attributes. This selector provides a way to target elements that have specific attributes or attribute values, offering a versatile method for selecting and manipulating elements based on their attributes.


The general syntax for the Attribute Selector is:

  • attribute is the name of the attribute you want to select.

Attribute Value Selector Syntax

  1. Exact Match:

    • Selects elements with the specified attribute that exactly matches the given value.
  2. Contains Substring:

    • Selects elements with the specified attribute containing the given substring.
  3. Starts With:

    • Selects elements with the specified attribute that starts with the given value.
  4. Ends With:

    • Selects elements with the specified attribute that ends with the given value.
  5. Contains Word:

    • Selects elements with the specified attribute containing the given value as a whole word (separated by spaces).

How It Works

  • When you use the Attribute Selector, jQuery finds elements that match the specified attribute conditions and applies the desired actions or styles to those elements.
  • This selector is useful for targeting elements based on dynamic or variable attribute values, making it flexible for various use cases.

Example Usage

1. Selecting Elements with a Specific Attribute

You can use the Attribute Selector to select elements that have a specific attribute.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Attribute Selector Example</title> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("[data-role]").css("color", "blue"); }); </script> </head> <body> <div data-role="admin">Admin Panel</div> <div data-role="user">User Profile</div> <div>No Role</div> </body> </html>


  • "[data-role]" selects all elements that have the data-role attribute, regardless of its value, and changes their text color to blue.

2. Selecting Elements with an Attribute Value Matching Exactly

You can select elements where an attribute matches an exact value.

$("[type='text']").css("border", "1px solid red");


  • This code selects all elements with the type attribute equal to 'text' and applies a red border to them.

3. Selecting Elements Based on Partial Attribute Value

You can use selectors to find elements based on substrings in their attributes.

$("a[href*='example']").css("color", "green");


  • $("a[href*='example']") selects all <a> elements whose href attribute contains the substring 'example' and changes their text color to green.

4. Selecting Elements Where Attribute Starts With a Specific Value

You can select elements where the attribute starts with a certain value.

$("[src^='images/']").css("border", "2px solid blue");


  • This code selects all elements with the src attribute that starts with 'images/' and applies a blue border to them.

5. Selecting Elements Where Attribute Ends With a Specific Value

You can select elements where the attribute ends with a certain value.

$("[href$='.pdf']").css("background-color", "yellow");


  • This code selects all elements with the href attribute ending in '.pdf' and changes their background color to yellow.

When to Use the Attribute Selector

  • Dynamic Selection: When elements have attributes with variable values, and you need to select based on those values.
  • Form Elements: To target form fields based on their attributes, such as input types or names.
  • Custom Data Attributes: Useful for selecting elements with custom data attributes in HTML5 (data-* attributes).

Example: Combining Attribute Selectors

You can combine multiple attribute selectors to be more specific.

$("[data-role='admin'][data-active='true']").css("font-weight", "bold");


  • This code selects elements with both data-role attribute equal to 'admin' and data-active attribute equal to 'true', applying bold font weight to them.

Performance Considerations

  • The Attribute Selector is generally efficient, but selecting elements based on complex or many attributes may impact performance, especially on large documents.
  • Ensure selectors are specific enough to avoid unnecessary processing and to target the right elements.