Dart Dynamic and Object Types

In Dart, dynamic and Object are two important types that play a key role in how the language handles variable types and type safety. Understanding the differences and use cases for each type is crucial for effective Dart programming.

1. dynamic Type

The dynamic type in Dart is a special type that allows a variable to hold values of any type without any static type checking. When a variable is declared as dynamic, it can be assigned a value of any type, and the type checking will occur at runtime instead of compile time.

Key Features of dynamic:

  • No Static Type Checking: Variables declared as dynamic bypass compile-time type checks. This means you can assign any value to a dynamic variable.

  • Flexibility: Since dynamic allows any type, it offers greater flexibility for programming, especially in scenarios where the type may not be known until runtime.

  • Potential for Runtime Errors: Because type checks are deferred until runtime, using dynamic can lead to runtime errors if the code attempts to call methods or access properties that do not exist on the actual object.


void main() { dynamic variable = 'Hello, Dart!'; // variable holds a String print(variable); // Output: Hello, Dart! variable = 42; // Now it holds an int print(variable); // Output: 42 variable = [1, 2, 3]; // Now it holds a List print(variable); // Output: [1, 2, 3] // If we try to call a method that doesn't exist, it will throw an error at runtime // print(variable.nonExistentMethod()); // Uncommenting this line will throw an error }

2. Object Type

The Object type is the root of Dart's type hierarchy. Every class in Dart (including built-in types like int, double, String, and others) inherits from Object. Unlike dynamic, the Object type enforces some level of type checking, meaning you can call methods defined in the Object class on an Object type variable, but you cannot directly call methods that are not part of the Object class without casting.

Key Features of Object:

  • Static Type Checking: Variables declared as Object are subject to static type checking. You can only call methods and properties that are defined in the Object class unless you cast the object to a more specific type.

  • Inherits All Classes: Since all classes in Dart extend Object, any object can be assigned to a variable of type Object.

  • Type Safety: Using Object provides more type safety than dynamic, as the compiler will check for method existence based on the static type.


void main() { Object obj = 'Hello, Dart!'; // obj holds a String (which is an Object) // You can call methods defined in Object print(obj.toString()); // Output: Hello, Dart! // If you try to call a method specific to String, you need to cast it first String str = obj as String; // Casting Object to String print(str.length); // Output: 12 // If obj is not a String, this will throw a runtime error // obj = 42; // Uncommenting this will not compile // print(obj.length); // This line would also throw an error because length is not defined on Object }

Differences Between dynamic and Object

Type CheckingNo static type checking; checked at runtimeStatic type checking; checked at compile time
FlexibilityCan hold any type, including nullCan hold any object, but must be cast for specific methods
SafetyLess safe; can lead to runtime errorsMore type-safe; ensures that methods exist on the object
PerformancePotentially less performant due to runtime checksGenerally better performance due to static type checks


In summary, both dynamic and Object serve different purposes in Dart programming:

  • Use dynamic when you need maximum flexibility and you are aware of the risks of runtime errors. It is suitable for scenarios where the type of a variable may change or is not known at compile time.

  • Use Object when you want to ensure some level of type safety while still being able to store different types of objects. It is particularly useful when working with heterogeneous collections or when you want to leverage polymorphism.

Understanding when to use each type will help you write safer and more maintainable Dart code.