Dart Boolean

In Dart, the boolean data type is used to represent truth values, which can either be true or false. Booleans are essential for controlling the flow of a program, enabling conditional statements and logical operations. Below is an overview of booleans in Dart, including how to use them and their significance in programming.

Boolean Basics

Declaration and Initialization

You can declare and initialize boolean variables using the bool type. The values can be assigned directly to true or false.


void main() { bool isActive = true; bool isComplete = false; print(isActive); // Output: true print(isComplete); // Output: false }

Boolean Expressions

Boolean expressions are expressions that evaluate to either true or false. These are commonly used in conditional statements and loops.


void main() { int a = 10; int b = 20; bool isGreater = a > b; // This evaluates to false print(isGreater); // Output: false }

Conditional Statements

Booleans play a crucial role in controlling the flow of the program through conditional statements, such as if, else, and switch.

Example with if statement:

void main() { bool isLoggedIn = true; if (isLoggedIn) { print('Welcome back!'); } else { print('Please log in.'); } }

Logical Operators

Dart supports logical operators that allow you to combine or modify boolean values:

  1. Logical AND (&&): Returns true if both operands are true.


    void main() { bool condition1 = true; bool condition2 = false; bool result = condition1 && condition2; // false print(result); // Output: false }
  2. Logical OR (||): Returns true if at least one of the operands is true.


    void main() { bool condition1 = true; bool condition2 = false; bool result = condition1 || condition2; // true print(result); // Output: true }
  3. Logical NOT (!): Returns the opposite value of the operand.


    void main() { bool condition = true; bool result = !condition; // false print(result); // Output: false }

Boolean as Conditions

In Dart, boolean values can be directly used as conditions in control flow statements like if, while, or for.


void main() { bool isReady = true; while (isReady) { print('Ready to go!'); isReady = false; // Change condition to exit loop } }


Booleans are a fundamental data type in Dart, essential for making decisions and controlling the flow of programs. By using boolean values and expressions, you can implement logic to handle various conditions and states within your applications. Understanding how to effectively work with booleans, along with logical operators, will enable you to write more dynamic and responsive Dart programs. Whether you are managing user interactions or implementing complex algorithms, mastering booleans is a crucial skill in Dart programming.