C Preprocessor directives

Preprocessor directives in C are commands that provide instructions to the preprocessor, which is a part of the compilation process that processes source code before it is compiled. These directives are not part of the C language itself but are essential for program configuration and control during compilation.

Characteristics of Preprocessor Directives

  1. Start with #: All preprocessor directives begin with the # symbol.
  2. Processed Before Compilation: They are processed before the actual compilation starts, which allows for various configurations and setups.
  3. No Semicolons: Preprocessor directives do not require a semicolon (;) at the end.

Common Preprocessor Directives

Here are some of the most commonly used preprocessor directives in C:

  1. #include: Used to include header files in your program. This is commonly used to include standard libraries or user-defined header files.

    #include <stdio.h> // Include standard I/O library #include "myheader.h" // Include a user-defined header file
  2. #define: Used to define macros or constants. It replaces occurrences of a specific identifier with a defined value or expression throughout the code.

    #define PI 3.14 // Define a constant #define SQUARE(x) ((x) * (x)) // Define a macro function
  3. #undef: Used to undefine a macro that was previously defined with #define. This is useful for avoiding redefinition errors.

    #undef PI // Undefine the PI macro
  4. #ifdef / #ifndef: Used to conditionally include code based on whether a macro is defined (#ifdef) or not defined (#ifndef).

    #ifdef DEBUG printf("Debug mode is enabled.\n"); #endif
  5. #if, #else, #elif, #endif: Used for conditional compilation based on the value of macros or expressions.

    #if VERSION == 2 printf("Version 2 is running.\n"); #elif VERSION == 1 printf("Version 1 is running.\n"); #else printf("Unknown version.\n"); #endif
  6. #line: Used to change the line number and file name for error reporting. This is less commonly used but can be useful in generated code.

    #line 100 "newfile.c" // Changes the line number to 100 and the filename to "newfile.c"
  7. #error: Used to generate a compilation error with a custom message. This can be helpful for enforcing conditions during compilation.

    #error "This code is not supported on this platform."
  8. #pragma: Used to provide additional information to the compiler. The exact behavior of #pragma is compiler-specific.

    #pragma once // Ensure that a header file is included only once

Example of Preprocessor Directives

Here’s a simple example demonstrating some preprocessor directives:

#include <stdio.h> #define PI 3.14 #define SQUARE(x) ((x) * (x)) int main() { float radius = 5.0; // Using the defined constant float area = PI * SQUARE(radius); printf("Area of the circle: %.2f\n", area); // Conditional compilation #ifdef DEBUG printf("Debug mode is enabled.\n"); #endif return 0; }

Explanation of the Example

  1. Including Header Files: The program includes the standard input/output library using #include <stdio.h>.

  2. Defining Constants and Macros: The constant PI and the macro function SQUARE are defined using #define.

  3. Using the Defined Constant and Macro: The area of a circle is calculated using the defined constant and macro in the main function.

  4. Conditional Compilation: The program checks if DEBUG is defined. If it is, a debug message will be printed.


  • Preprocessor directives are powerful tools in C programming that control the compilation process.
  • They allow for conditional compilation, inclusion of header files, and the definition of constants and macros.
  • Understanding preprocessor directives is essential for effective C programming, as they help manage code complexity and improve maintainability.