C Multi-level Pointers

Multi-level pointers in C refer to pointers that point to other pointers at multiple levels of indirection. It is an extension of the concept of pointers to pointers, allowing for deeper levels of indirection beyond two levels. For example, you can have pointers to pointers to pointers, and so on.

Levels of Pointers

Each level of a pointer points to the memory address of the previous level. You can imagine it as a chain of pointers pointing to other pointers.

Here is an overview of different levels of pointers:

  1. Single-level Pointer (*):

    • Points to a variable directly.
    • Example: int *ptr = &var; where var is an integer variable.
  2. Double Pointer (Pointer to Pointer) (**):

    • Points to a single-level pointer.
    • Example: int **ptr2 = &ptr1; where ptr1 is a pointer to an integer.
  3. Triple Pointer (Pointer to Pointer to Pointer) (***):

    • Points to a double pointer.
    • Example: int ***ptr3 = &ptr2; where ptr2 is a pointer to a pointer.

Declaration of Multi-level Pointers

The general syntax for declaring multi-level pointers involves using more * symbols:

int var = 5; int *ptr1 = &var; // Single-level pointer (pointer to an int) int **ptr2 = &ptr1; // Double pointer (pointer to a pointer) int ***ptr3 = &ptr2; // Triple pointer (pointer to a double pointer)

Example with Multi-level Pointers

Let’s look at an example that illustrates the concept of multi-level pointers:

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int var = 10; int *ptr1 = &var; // Single-level pointer int **ptr2 = &ptr1; // Double-level pointer int ***ptr3 = &ptr2; // Triple-level pointer // Accessing the value of var printf("Value of var: %d\n", var); // Direct access printf("Value of var using ptr1: %d\n", *ptr1); // Access via ptr1 printf("Value of var using ptr2: %d\n", **ptr2); // Access via ptr2 printf("Value of var using ptr3: %d\n", ***ptr3); // Access via ptr3 // Printing addresses printf("Address of var: %p\n", (void *)&var); printf("Address stored in ptr1 (address of var): %p\n", (void *)ptr1); printf("Address stored in ptr2 (address of ptr1): %p\n", (void *)ptr2); printf("Address stored in ptr3 (address of ptr2): %p\n", (void *)ptr3); return 0; }


  1. Direct Access: The value of var is 10.
  2. Access via Pointers:
    • *ptr1 gives the value of var.
    • **ptr2 gives the value by dereferencing twice—first ptr2 points to ptr1, and ptr1 points to var.
    • ***ptr3 gives the value by dereferencing three times to reach var.
  3. Address Output:
    • The address of var, ptr1, and ptr2 can be accessed and printed to show how each pointer holds the address of the previous level.

Memory Representation

Consider the memory representation:

  • var stores the value 10.
  • ptr1 holds the address of var.
  • ptr2 holds the address of ptr1.
  • ptr3 holds the address of ptr2.
+------------+ +------------+ +------------+ +------------+ | var = 10 | <--+ | ptr1 = &var | <--+ | ptr2 = &ptr1 | <--+ | ptr3 = &ptr2 | +------------+ +------------+ +------------+ +------------+

Use Cases for Multi-level Pointers

  1. Dynamic Data Structures:

    • Multi-level pointers are commonly used in complex data structures like linked lists, trees, and graphs, where pointers need to reference multiple levels.
  2. Function Arguments to Modify Pointers:

    • If you need to modify the value of a pointer itself (e.g., reassign a pointer to a new memory location), a double or triple pointer can be passed to a function.
    void modifyPointer(int ***ptr) { static int var = 50; **ptr = &var; // Reassign the value of the pointer being pointed to } int main() { int val = 20; int *ptr1 = &val; int **ptr2 = &ptr1; printf("Before modification: %d\n", **ptr2); // Output: 20 modifyPointer(&ptr2); printf("After modification: %d\n", **ptr2); // Output: 50 return 0; }
  3. Multidimensional Arrays:

    • In dynamic memory allocation for multidimensional arrays, pointers to pointers (or even more levels) are used to manage memory effectively.

Summary of Multi-level Pointers

  • Multi-level pointers are pointers that point to other pointers, providing multiple layers of indirection.
  • The levels are represented by multiple * symbols (e.g., *, **, ***).
  • Accessing values requires additional levels of dereferencing.
  • Multi-level pointers are useful in complex memory management, dynamic data structures, and situations where functions need to modify pointers deeply.

Understanding multi-level pointers is crucial when dealing with advanced data structures, dynamic memory, and function interactions in C programming. It allows for greater flexibility and control over how data is accessed and manipulated at multiple layers.