React JS PATCH Request

A PATCH request is used in HTTP to apply partial modifications to a resource on the server. Unlike a PUT request, which typically replaces the entire resource, PATCH is used to update only the parts of the resource that are specified in the request.

In React, making a PATCH request involves sending data to the server that represents the partial update you want to apply. This can be done using JavaScript’s native fetch API or a library like axios.

1. Using fetch API

The fetch API can be used to make PATCH requests by specifying the method and including the updated data in the request body.

Basic Usage


import React, { useState } from 'react'; function PatchData() { const [data, setData] = useState(null); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [error, setError] = useState(null); const handleUpdate = async () => { setLoading(true); try { const response = await fetch('', { method: 'PATCH', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', // Specify the content type }, body: JSON.stringify({ key: 'newValue' }), // Partial data to update }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Network response was not ok'); // Handle HTTP errors } const result = await response.json(); // Parse JSON response setData(result); // Set the result to state } catch (error) { setError(error); // Set error to state if an error occurs } finally { setLoading(false); // Set loading to false once the request is complete } }; return ( <div> <button onClick={handleUpdate} disabled={loading}> {loading ? 'Updating...' : 'Update'} </button> {error && <p>Error: {error.message}</p>} {data && <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>} </div> ); } export default PatchData;

2. Using axios

Axios is a popular HTTP client library that simplifies making PATCH requests and handling responses.


npm install axios # or yarn add axios

Basic Usage


import React, { useState } from 'react'; import axios from 'axios'; function PatchData() { const [data, setData] = useState(null); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [error, setError] = useState(null); const handleUpdate = async () => { setLoading(true); try { const response = await axios.patch('', { key: 'newValue', // Partial data to update }, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', // Specify the content type }, }); setData(; // Set the result to state } catch (error) { setError(error); // Set error to state if an error occurs } finally { setLoading(false); // Set loading to false once the request is complete } }; return ( <div> <button onClick={handleUpdate} disabled={loading}> {loading ? 'Updating...' : 'Update'} </button> {error && <p>Error: {error.message}</p>} {data && <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>} </div> ); } export default PatchData;

Key Points

  1. Request Method:

    • For PATCH requests, set the method to 'PATCH'.
  2. Headers:

    • Content-Type: application/json: Indicates that the data being sent is in JSON format.
  3. Body:

    • fetch: Use body: JSON.stringify(data) to send partial data as a JSON string.
    • axios: Pass the partial data directly as the second argument to axios.patch.
  4. Handling State:

    • loading: Track whether the request is in progress.
    • error: Handle any errors that occur during the request.
    • data: Store the response data from the server.
  5. Error Handling:

    • Ensure proper error handling to manage issues like network errors or invalid responses.
  6. Button and State:

    • Disable the button while the request is being processed and provide feedback to the user.


A PATCH request in React is used to apply partial updates to a resource on the server. You can use either the native fetch API or the axios library to make PATCH requests. Both methods involve specifying the request method as 'PATCH', setting appropriate headers, and sending the partial update data in the request body. Proper management of loading and error states ensures a smooth user experience and robust application behavior.