PHP OOP Interfaces

In PHP, an interface is a blueprint that defines a set of methods that a class must implement. Interfaces are useful for defining a consistent structure that multiple classes can adhere to, ensuring that these classes provide certain functionalities without dictating how those functionalities should be implemented.

Interfaces play a key role in implementing polymorphism and multiple inheritance in PHP. Since PHP does not support multiple inheritance for classes, interfaces allow a class to implement multiple behaviors.

Characteristics of Interfaces

  1. No Implementation: Interfaces cannot contain any code in their methods—they only define method signatures.
  2. Defines a Contract: Any class that implements an interface must provide concrete implementations for all of the methods declared in the interface.
  3. Multiple Interfaces: A class can implement multiple interfaces, which allows PHP to overcome the limitation of single inheritance.
  4. All Methods are Public: Methods in an interface must be public since the interface is essentially a contract for classes to implement these methods.

Declaring an Interface

To declare an interface in PHP, use the interface keyword followed by the interface name and the method signatures that the implementing classes must define.

interface Logger { public function log($message); }

Implementing an Interface

To implement an interface in a class, use the implements keyword. The class must then define all the methods declared in the interface.

interface Logger { public function log($message); } class FileLogger implements Logger { public function log($message) { echo "Logging to a file: $message\n"; } } class DatabaseLogger implements Logger { public function log($message) { echo "Logging to the database: $message\n"; } } // Using the loggers $fileLogger = new FileLogger(); $fileLogger->log("File log message."); // Outputs: Logging to a file: File log message. $databaseLogger = new DatabaseLogger(); $databaseLogger->log("Database log message."); // Outputs: Logging to the database: Database log message.


  1. Interface (Logger):

    • The Logger interface declares a single method log($message). This is essentially a contract that states any class implementing Logger must provide a log() method.
  2. Implementing Classes (FileLogger and DatabaseLogger):

    • Both FileLogger and DatabaseLogger implement the Logger interface.
    • These classes must define the log($message) method. They each provide a different implementation for logging messages (e.g., to a file or to a database).
  3. Interface as a Contract:

    • Interfaces ensure that all classes implementing Logger will have a log() method, providing consistency across different classes that adhere to this interface.

Multiple Interface Implementation

PHP allows classes to implement multiple interfaces. This is useful for creating classes that need to have multiple sets of behaviors.

interface Logger { public function log($message); } interface Formatter { public function format($message); } class FileLoggerWithFormatter implements Logger, Formatter { public function log($message) { echo "Logging: $message\n"; } public function format($message) { return strtoupper($message); } } $logger = new FileLoggerWithFormatter(); $formattedMessage = $logger->format("This is a message."); $logger->log($formattedMessage); // Outputs: Logging: THIS IS A MESSAGE.

Key Points About Interfaces

  1. Cannot Contain Properties: Unlike abstract classes, interfaces cannot contain properties. They can only declare method signatures.

  2. Cannot Have Concrete Methods: All methods in an interface must be abstract, meaning they cannot have a body or implementation.

  3. Implements Keyword: A class uses the implements keyword to use an interface.

    interface PaymentGateway { public function processPayment($amount); } class PayPalPayment implements PaymentGateway { public function processPayment($amount) { echo "Processing payment of $amount via PayPal.\n"; } }
  4. Dependency Injection and Polymorphism: Interfaces are often used with dependency injection to allow for greater flexibility and scalability. Since the class is only defined in terms of the interface, it makes the code more reusable and easier to extend.

    class PaymentProcessor { private $paymentGateway; public function __construct(PaymentGateway $paymentGateway) { $this->paymentGateway = $paymentGateway; } public function pay($amount) { $this->paymentGateway->processPayment($amount); } } $paypal = new PayPalPayment(); $processor = new PaymentProcessor($paypal); $processor->pay(100); // Outputs: Processing payment of 100 via PayPal.

Interfaces vs Abstract Classes

  • Abstract Classes: Can contain method implementations, properties, and constructors. Useful when you want to provide common functionality that subclasses can use or override.
  • Interfaces: Only define a set of methods that must be implemented. Useful when you want to ensure that multiple unrelated classes implement a common set of methods, without enforcing inheritance.

Practical Use Cases for Interfaces

  1. Standardize Behavior: Interfaces are used to create a standard for multiple classes. For example, a Renderable interface might define that all implementing classes must have a render() method.

    interface Renderable { public function render(); } class HtmlRenderer implements Renderable { public function render() { echo "Rendering HTML content.\n"; } } class JsonRenderer implements Renderable { public function render() { echo json_encode(["message" => "Rendering JSON content."]); } }
  2. Loose Coupling: Interfaces allow for loose coupling in applications by providing a way to interact with objects using their interface type rather than a specific implementation. This is particularly useful in building extensible and maintainable software.

  3. Plug-and-Play: Using interfaces, different implementations of a behavior can easily be swapped out. For example, different payment processors can be easily interchanged as long as they implement a common PaymentGateway interface.


  • Interface: A blueprint that defines a set of methods that must be implemented by a class.
  • Characteristics:
    • Contains only method signatures without any implementation.
    • Classes use implements to use an interface.
    • All methods are implicitly public.
  • Use Cases:
    • Standardizing behavior across multiple classes.
    • Allowing multiple inheritance-like behavior by implementing multiple interfaces.
    • Facilitating polymorphism and loose coupling in your application.

Interfaces in PHP provide a powerful mechanism to define consistent APIs and facilitate code that is easier to manage, test, and extend. They are essential for creating flexible, modular, and reusable code.