Linux ln command

The ln command in Linux is used to create links between files or directories. Links are pointers that reference other files or directories. There are two types of links: hard links and symbolic (soft) links.

Hard Links vs. Symbolic Links

  • Hard Link: A hard link is a direct reference to the file’s data on disk, meaning it’s essentially another name for the same file. Hard links share the same inode as the original file and don’t break if the original file is moved or renamed.
  • Symbolic (Soft) Link: A symbolic link is more like a shortcut pointing to the file’s path. If the original file is deleted, the symbolic link breaks and becomes a “dangling link.”

Basic Syntax

ln [options] target link_name

Common Options

  • -s: Creates a symbolic (soft) link.
  • -v: Provides verbose output, showing each link created.

Examples with Output

Example 1: Creating a Hard Link

A hard link is created without any special options.


ln -v file1.txt hardlink_to_file1.txt


'hardlink_to_file1.txt' => 'file1.txt'

This means that hardlink_to_file1.txt is now a hard link to file1.txt. Any changes made to either file affect both, as they reference the same data on disk.

Example 2: Creating a Symbolic Link

To create a symbolic (soft) link, use the -s option.


ln -sv /home/user/file1.txt /home/user/symlink_to_file1.txt


'/home/user/symlink_to_file1.txt' -> '/home/user/file1.txt'

This output shows that symlink_to_file1.txt is now a symbolic link to file1.txt. Deleting file1.txt will make symlink_to_file1.txt invalid.

Example 3: Symbolic Link to a Directory

You can create symbolic links to directories in the same way.


ln -sv /home/user/Documents /home/user/DocsLink


'/home/user/DocsLink' -> '/home/user/Documents'

This means DocsLink is a symbolic link to the Documents directory. Accessing DocsLink will take you to /home/user/Documents.

Example 4: Overwriting an Existing Link

If a symbolic link already exists with the same name, you can use -f to forcefully overwrite it.


ln -svf /home/user/new_file.txt /home/user/symlink_to_file1.txt


'/home/user/symlink_to_file1.txt' -> '/home/user/new_file.txt'

Now, symlink_to_file1.txt points to new_file.txt instead of the original file.

Example 5: Creating a Link in Another Directory

You can create a link in another directory by specifying the full path.


ln -sv file1.txt /home/user/Links/file_link


'/home/user/Links/file_link' -> 'file1.txt'

This command creates a symbolic link called file_link in /home/user/Links that points to file1.txt in the current directory.

The ln command is powerful for organizing files, creating shortcuts, and managing references across directories.