Laravel Rollback migrations

Rolling back migrations in Laravel is a crucial feature that allows you to undo changes made to your database schema. This is particularly useful during development and testing phases when you might need to revert recent changes or correct mistakes in your migrations. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to roll back migrations in Laravel.

Understanding Rollbacks

When you roll back migrations, you reverse the operations performed by the up method of a migration. Each migration file should have a corresponding down method that defines how to reverse the changes made in the up method.

How to Roll Back Migrations

1. Rolling Back the Last Batch of Migrations

To roll back the most recent batch of migrations (i.e., the last group of migrations that were run), you can use the following Artisan command:

php artisan migrate:rollback

This command will execute the down methods of the migrations in the last batch that was run. For instance, if you added a new table in the last migration, running this command will drop that table.

2. Rolling Back Multiple Migrations

If you want to roll back multiple batches of migrations, you can specify the --step option to define how many batches to roll back. For example, to roll back the last two batches, you would run:

php artisan migrate:rollback --step=2

This will execute the down methods for the last two groups of migrations.

3. Rolling Back All Migrations

To revert all migrations and drop all tables in your database, you can use:

php artisan migrate:reset

This command runs the down methods for all migrations that have been executed, effectively resetting your database schema.

4. Refreshing Migrations

If you want to roll back all migrations and then re-run them, you can use the migrate:refresh command:

php artisan migrate:refresh

This command is particularly useful when you want to apply all migrations again after making changes. You can also specify a --seed option to re-run database seeders after refreshing:

php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

5. Viewing Migration Status

To see the status of your migrations (which ones have been run and which are pending), you can use:

php artisan migrate:status

This command provides a table showing the migration file names along with their batch numbers.


Rolling back migrations in Laravel is an essential part of managing your database schema effectively:

  • Undo Changes: You can easily revert the most recent migrations if a mistake is made.
  • Control Over Migrations: Rolling back allows for more granular control over your database changes.
  • Development Flexibility: During the development phase, being able to roll back migrations quickly is invaluable for testing and iterating on your database design.

By effectively using migration rollbacks, you can ensure that your database remains consistent and aligned with your application's needs as it evolves over time.