Express Request Query parameters

In Express.js, query parameters are key-value pairs that appear in the URL after the ? symbol. They are commonly used to pass additional information to the server, such as search filters, pagination settings, or configuration options. These parameters are not part of the path of the URL but are appended to it. Express provides access to query parameters through the req.query object.

Structure of Query Parameters

The structure of a URL with query parameters looks like this:
  • ? separates the path from the query string.
  • key1=value1 is a query parameter, with key1 as the key and value1 as its value.
  • Multiple parameters can be added, separated by an &, such as key2=value2.

Example of Query Parameters in a URL


In this URL:

  • The path is /search.
  • The query parameters are term=books and category=fiction.

Accessing Query Parameters in Express.js

To access query parameters, you can use req.query, which returns an object containing all the key-value pairs from the query string.


const express = require('express'); const app = express(); app.get('/search', (req, res) => { const term = req.query.term; // Access the 'term' query parameter const category = req.query.category; // Access the 'category' query parameter res.send(`Search term: ${term}, Category: ${category}`); }); app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('Server is running on port 3000'); });

For a request to http://localhost:3000/search?term=books&category=fiction, the response will be:

Search term: books, Category: fiction

Handling Multiple Query Parameters

You can handle multiple query parameters at once by simply accessing each key from req.query.


app.get('/products', (req, res) => { const { sortBy, limit } = req.query; // Destructure the query parameters res.send(`Sort by: ${sortBy}, Limit: ${limit}`); });

For a request to http://localhost:3000/products?sortBy=price&limit=10, the response will be:

Sort by: price, Limit: 10

Default Values for Query Parameters

Sometimes, query parameters may not be provided by the client. You can set default values in your route handler to handle such cases.

Example with Default Values

app.get('/items', (req, res) => { const page = || 1; // Default to page 1 if 'page' is not provided const limit = req.query.limit || 10; // Default to 10 items per page res.send(`Page: ${page}, Limit: ${limit}`); });

For a request to http://localhost:3000/items, the response will be:

Page: 1, Limit: 10

Handling Arrays in Query Parameters

If multiple values are passed for the same query parameter key, Express will parse them as an array.


app.get('/filter', (req, res) => { const categories = req.query.categories; // Access the 'categories' parameter res.send(`Selected categories: ${categories}`); });

For a request to http://localhost:3000/filter?categories=books&categories=electronics, the response will be:

Selected categories: books,electronics

In this case, categories will be an array: ['books', 'electronics'].

Handling Query Strings with URL-Encoding

Sometimes, special characters like spaces or symbols need to be included in query parameters. In such cases, query parameters are URL-encoded.

For example, for the query http://localhost:3000/search?term=best books, the space between "best" and "books" should be URL-encoded as %20, resulting in term=best%20books.

Express automatically decodes URL-encoded query strings, so you don't need to manually decode them.


app.get('/search', (req, res) => { const term = req.query.term; // 'term' will be 'best books' res.send(`Search term: ${term}`); });

For a request to http://localhost:3000/search?term=best%20books, the response will be:

Search term: best books

Parsing Query Parameters with Arrays and Objects

If your query parameters contain complex data structures like arrays or objects, you can use libraries like qs to parse them.

Example with Arrays

app.get('/products', (req, res) => { const filters = req.query.filters; // Filters can be passed as an array res.send(`Filters: ${filters}`); });

For a request to http://localhost:3000/products?filters=size&filters=color, the response will be:

Filters: size,color

To handle more complex structures (like objects), you might need a parsing library, as Express's default behavior is limited to simple key-value pairs.

Example: Pagination with Query Parameters

A common use case is pagination, where clients pass parameters like page and limit to fetch specific pages of results.

app.get('/products', (req, res) => { const page = parseInt( || 1; const limit = parseInt(req.query.limit) || 10; const offset = (page - 1) * limit; res.send(`Page: ${page}, Limit: ${limit}, Offset: ${offset}`); });

For a request to http://localhost:3000/products?page=2&limit=5, the response will be:

Page: 2, Limit: 5, Offset: 5

Summary of Accessing Query Parameters

  1. Accessing a Single Parameter:

    const param = req.query.paramName;
  2. Handling Multiple Parameters:

    const { param1, param2 } = req.query;
  3. Default Values for Parameters:

    const param = req.query.paramName || 'defaultValue';
  4. Handling Arrays: Query parameters passed multiple times will be automatically parsed into arrays:

    const arrayParam = req.query.paramName; // ['value1', 'value2']